Kids Educational Help

Homeschooling for Teenagers
Is your teenager failing to learn?
Do you need to take control of your child's education?
You CAN take control of your child's education!
However, unless you have the right information when you start out, you can easily get lost in all of the material available.
How do you know it is right for your child?

Also, you can get frustrated and overwhelmed with such a wide choice and eventually lose all interest in what was once your passion ... and also lose your self-confidence at the same time.
And you don't want to do that!
To be a successful teen homeschooler, you have to do it with as much help as possible ... and have to be smart about it.
You CAN start homeschooling your teen ...
 with this completely new information-packed e-Book that tells you step-by-step how to successfully homeschool your teenager,
The Teenage Homeschooling Success Manual
You'll know how to:
  • Successfully start homeschooling your teenager,
  • Have at your fingertips, Literature for Teenagers,
  • Find instant writing success for 13-15 year-olds,
  • Learn how to develop your child's talents,
  • Discover references for Instant Mathematics including Mental Math, Geometry, Algebra, and more

"Who am I and how can I help you?"
I have been a teacher for over 17 years. Over this time I have taught within numerous and varied education and learning styles and settings. I have worked in religious, state and private schools. I have run homework clubs for indigenous children. Teaching and Educating are my life - outside of my three children, whom of course I have homeschooled at varying times in their lives.
Sophia Harris
(photo: with daughter and son, Laura and William during a session at home)

for further details or to purchase The Teenage Homeschooling Success Manual,
Click Here!

Does Your Child Struggle With Reading? Try Looney Tunes Phonics and Improve Reading Skills Guaranteed! 

Helping Children with Dyslexia
21 super strategies to ensure your child's success at school
Forward by Sir Richard Branson

An easy to read book that will show you how to ensure your child's success at school and in life.
You will discover:
  • How to tell if your child is dyslexic and what to do next.
  • How to stop the tears and tantrums over school work and homework.
  • Proven strategies to help your child catch up when they have fallen behind at school.
  • How to help your child regain his or her confidence and self esteem.
  • How to talk to teachers, choose the right school and get a support system in place.
  • How to access 100's of free learning aids and resources.
  • Why your child can overcome dyslexia and look forward to a happy and successful future.
Also included:
3 Free additional e-Books;  How to teach your dyslexic child
-   to read
-   to write and spell
-   to do math

"A bible for every parent of a dyslexic child. For me this book confirms you can never give up on your child's education, only you can protect them, no one else is going to do that for you, especially those children who aren't getting the right support in school. Helping Children with Dyslexia, confirms a lot I knew. It confirms to me how important it is to never rely on the School Education System. Too many qualified staff told me my son was doing fine - Ha Ha, how wrong they were. I knew so many parents who believe what they are told and their beautiful children slip through the net. Good luck, I hope this book makes a difference for you. Not only a great read for a parent, but for those working with dyslexic children."
Charlotte Brown,
Chiswick, London UK

Foreward by Sir Richard Branson
There are many great examples of world famous people with dyslexia who have gone on to achieve enormous success, perhaps none more famous than Sir Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Airlines. He offered his support by writing the foreward for this book because as a dyslexic he knows only too well how important parents are in helping their children to reach their full potential.

Click Here for details or to purchase your e-Book

Printable Reading Games & Phonics Games
Now, improving kids' reading skills can be fun and simple!

the Rainbow Printable Reading Games Collection,

A collection of 8 e-books of reading games containing:
Card games, Domino games, Bingo games and Board games.

These games target specific skills and more advanced language skills, including:
identifying initial and final sounds, word recognition, CVC words, consonant blends, recognizing common letter patterns, advanced phonics skills, prefixes, suffixes, contractions, homophones, antonyms, synonyms, syllables, plurals, and more!

As children play these games they are learning and reinforcing letter-sound relationships, and common letter patterns from basic onset/rhyme combinations to more complex patterns.

To visit site, Click Here!

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